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                                                                    Bringing a Positive Impact To Those In Need!

One Hand One Love Outreach was founded in 2012: History behind our little 501c3 Nonprofit Outreach

                                                 My Niece Wrote The History Behind our Nonprofit. It’s worth the read

                                                            ALWAYS STAY HUMBLE AND KIND

The One Hand One Love Outreach is a non-profit organization based in a small town called Kirbyville Texas. Designed to assist families that have little to no income, we have made an impact on our community! The Outreach is run by Yvonne Alford, a local woman who has lived in Kirbyville Texas since her teen years. “It’s my passion to help others,” Yvonne says. The Outreach not only provides food to families when they need it, we also try our hardest to help families during the holidays. We try to provide the family in need with a full holiday meal and gifts for the children.

What inspired the One Hand One Love Outreach? There were originally TWO founders of this heartwarming organization. Yvonne Alford, and her mother, Lina Kay House. One Thanksgiving in the year 2012, they both decided to make an entire thanksgiving dinner and take it to the local woman’s shelter. After a while, it became tradition. Yvonne says she and her mother would sit and talk for hours about making it a legal organization. The year of 2015, Lina Kay fell ill after a stroke. She passed away in 2017. Yvonne was determined to live out her mother’s dream of making a change in the world.

After years of Hardwork and a ton of typing, she finally did it! She gathered her friends and family as volunteers and they got to work! Now the Outreach has grown into something huge! It has gained new volunteers every event and fundraiser they do.

What is their focus right now? There are various answers to the question. As far as helping the public goes, we are focusing on providing children with their basic needs. We are trying our hardest to provide help to families that are in need . When it comes to the volunteers, the primary focus is the YOUTH! We find that involving the youth can be extremely helpful to their character and self-confidence. We are wanting to get young kids and teens involved in the community so they can be a part of making a difference, please contact Yvonne Alford at (409)-698-6105

                                                                             Ways we Help:

                           Clothing, Food, School Supplies, Holiday Givings, Birthdays, Necessities, Ect!

            We Provide the Help Out of Our Own Pockets and Fundraisers! Yes we do a lot of fundraisers!

                              Unfortanately we can Not hand over Funds Nor Pay Your Bills! 

We have Several Fundraisers Going On Right Now! Auctions, School Supply Drives, Can Food Drives,Etc!

                      We Depend On Good People to Donate to Our Cause! People Just Like Yourself!

We can all become a Positive Impact to those in NEED! 


                               Please Like Us On Facebook: OneHandOneLoveOutreach

                                          For More Info Please Contact 

